Photo of maria martinez Spain

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I started in the world of art decorating and designing spaces with mixed furniture appropriate to each bracket.

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I started in the world of art decorating and designing spaces with mixed furniture appropriate to each bracket.

My artistic training is essentially eclectic. Over the years I have participated in different activities, along with my personal research, I have been opening up creative horizons in different disciplines.

0in 0pt "> Storefronts, creation and design of auxiliary furniture, decoration and comprehensive recycling inside and outside of several restaurants in Madrid. Various performances in homes and local painting of murals.

Creation and design to signal monoliths Marine Reserve Lira A Coruña.

justify, text-indent: 35.4pt; margin: 0in 0in 0pt ">

Currently combines decoration and design arts to painting murals, paintings and photography tables of different formats, which allow me greater freedom of expression, I'm investigating different media and other challenges.

Roman ">

Direction for 4 years the alternative art gallery space in Corunna oleiros

Attended the summer workshop of the Museum of Art Contemporary Union Fenosa (MACUF), directed by Agustín Ibarrola

Workshop- santiago chocolate factory

The CGAC-Carlos Pazos

lang = "ES-TRAD"> Workshop recorded with painted Isabel

From año2007 attend meetings, painting and poetry dialogue Culleredo

10.0pt; mso-ansi-language: ES-TRAD; "lang =" ES-TRAD "> I am currently participating in consider how many interesting projects.

Recently, the realization of HAPPENING - I feel at this moment.

We were creating, and sharing during 14h poets, painters, actors, graffiti artists, musicians, poet, rapper, performed in, maria martinez space oleiros

. The last of these has been the realization creation album cover art group Perkutone.

lang = "ES-TRAD"> I'm with a project of scenery and other HAPPENING ....

Some of the places where I have exhibited my work, of course without miss the tour of inns, bars, pubs, restaurants etc .... In which I am very grateful.

Roman "> Italcris (Madrid)

Center Craft And Design (Lugo)

Show (A Coruña)

Super-Arte (A Coruña)

mso-ansi-language: ES-TRAD; "lang =" ES-TRAD "> Artemix (Madrid)

Coronado Madrid)

Casadecor (Barcelona)

Da-Da 2 (A Coruña)

ES-TRAD; "lang =" ES-TRAD "> Home Charry (Oleiros - A Coruña)

The Hidden Art (Madrid)

Casa de Cultura (Barajas - Madrid)

Hotel Meliá María Pita (Gallery Art Image) (A Coruña)

MACUF. Group exhibition mixed media (A Coruña)

yes "> Museum two molinos (Concello Culleredo)

(Collective) The 20 space mm

mso-ansi-language: ES-TRAD; "lang =" ES-TRAD "> INSIST THERE IS space-Maria Martinez Sta Cruz - Oleiros

Collective (concello Culleredo)

200% margin: 0in 0in 0pt "> Some of the publications that have featured references to my work are:

New Style

Mi Casa

Voice Galicia

El Ideal Gallego

The Opinion

Visual Interea

Roman "> Book 100 Mulleres Galego - 2010

Roman ">

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